Tuesday, December 29, 2009

First Blog

Here I stand. My art is healing me. Its addictive and I obsess. I'm in Peterborough with my beloved family. Its in these few bank holidays and around my birthday that I can put my house in order. new songs on the phone, upload those photo's, read that book, stock up, unwind and ready myself for the year ahead.

Two old freinds: Duncan and Neil. I met up for drinks this Christmas with them. Hadn't seen Neil in 18 years. Neil was my best freind and as I find out today he's just as much a freind as he always was.

Duncan and I are among the last of our lot still to be making a serios bash at the art thing and after 12 years apart we still have much in common. He's up for an audition and looking for speeches. We found the caretaker which I hope will see him through.

Life can be lived beyond the surface of now and as I reach into the past it all seems to come together some how.

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