Its a play by the way in case you were wondering. An absurdist steampunk pantomime no less. We, a good and happy 30, put it on at the Bradford Playhouse this Christmas and it won't no community fudge either. It was more chaotic than a liberal conservative government and attracted almost as much attention.
It followed a young inventor called Mandrake Eldridge ( I have his facebook page you know ) who had created a machine for raising and decreasing apparent levels of reality. With the aid of the machine and an odd group of fellows under the name of The Leather Gentleman he travels to the mystical land of ephemera and unleashes all sorts of madness and frivolity. Luckily we had an amazing performer & fight choreographer on board (Brendon Mccoy: so we could settle the whole thing with a fantastic sword fight which I shall post with other goodies on't the tinterweb for your delectation. What I owe you cannot be repaid... quite literally. Try the fish.
I feel like Gilbert or Sulivan... maybe Gilbert O' Sullivan. Whats more I and my happy band of writers wrote an original pantomime. Rather spiffing what? A new one for the canon and it might float up there... wouldn't that be nice. (Sound of head violently inflating).
Special thanks to Simon, Maren, Vicki, Sam and the rest... even including Hedley Brown esq.
The review:
Rehearsal Shots:
The Amazing Chemaine Cooke:
Choreographer Miss Pina Musgrave with one of her favorite dancers:
The management:
Thank you also Anthony for these amazing shots :-)