Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Smoke Ghosts at The Hive


I love the shapes that smoke makes caught by hard light in still air. My brother Andrew has some gorgeous shots he took the previous winter one fine morning... was it something like 4 that you left the house to catch a numinous jack frost with your breath in the still icy night? Hoary ink blots. Smokey impressions aren't as healthy but certainly more comfortable. Special effects to rival poltergeist. Love. 

Monday, February 7, 2011


Have been getting arty in a fine art stylie this week. I've cast three faces in plaster at the playhouse in prep for mask making and also started painting/constructing a large indoor mural at a yute centre in Bingley. Thought I'd paint a giant pink humbolt manga squid called Alberto. Part of the squid based installation includes a set of giant musical tubes. I wonder if the commissioning authority realised what they were getting when they hired me and mine...

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