Saturday, January 9, 2010

On the other hand and when the shoe is on the other foot.

Feet are funny things.

I sometimes go months without exploring the hidden wonders between my toes. I wonder if feet are things you can lose touch with as you might lose contact with second cousins and so on.

You can never forget about hands like that. Hands are high maintenance fellows but leave a foot alone and they'll not make a fuss, not a peep, and you're only reminded when you've completely forgotten all about them and stub your toe.

I walked barefoot in the snow today. Cold, cold, silky soft then feathery burning. Run back in and slip hop slip then living room. That feeling: warm, red, fresh flesh and throbbing with your heart beat. I wonder what the neighbours think.

I found the offcuts meat tray at the deli counter in Morrisons today. Yay! Oh happy day. All the lovely chunks of boiled ham and such for pennies. Mix it up, add some mustard and what a sandwich.

I leave you with Love Cats:


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