Monday, January 4, 2010

The cheek of it.

I found out this morning that my classroom had been broken into. There was glass everywhere and the windows had been boarded up. Nothing was stolen. Quite frankly I find that insulting. Apparently it happened on Christmas eve. Maybe it was Santa pissed off at not getting any sherry or mince pies.

Was put off by the fact that no one had even bothered to clean up the glass before the kids arrived but it was all fixed by lunch time so no harm done. The morning was spent drinking coffee and playing pass the parcel with the autistic spectrum. Kinda got away without doing any real work and it gave me a chance to observe the kids settle down into routine.

In the afternoon I worked with key stage three on an archetypal story based on the hero's journey. In our story the hero is off to search for the dastardly trickster to bring him back to justice. Before he leaves the castle he visits the king to get three magical items to help him on his quest.

1. The faulty magic lantern
2. The golden pear of invisibility
3. The all seeing sword of Metukaki


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